Marcus Sawyerr:  Advancing Inclusive Recruitment by Harnessing AI 

Marcus Sawyerr, EQ.App founder, A man in a black shirt.


Marcus Sawyerr: Advancing DEI in AI

Marcus Sawyerr is an Inclusive AI expert committed to enhancing DEI within the technology sector. His progression from an entry-level sales position to an influential role on the Microsoft Services Executive Board highlights his success in leveraging DEI as a business and human imperative through digital innovation and strategic recruitment.

How EQ.App is Revolutionizing Inclusive Tech Recruitment

With EQ Buddy, Marcus is redefining tech recruitment, focusing on efficiency and access to diverse talent pools. This platform exemplifies his innovative approach to DEI, ensuring recruiters can attract talent by creating inclusive job descriptions, sourcing diverse talent, and minimizing administrative time.


Building Support and Growth Opportunities at EQ.Community

At the helm of EQ.Community, Marcus leads a professional network that is a revolutionary shift towards inclusive tech environments. His work ensures that recruiters can access affordable, inclusive recruiting technology, but he has built a community to drive AI adoption and education, optimizing opportunities to make impactful contributions.

Unpacking DEI with Marcus Sawyerr: Real Insights, Real Impact

Gain firsthand insights from Marcus Sawyerr, as he shares his thoughts on the challenges and opportunities within DEI in tech:

Reflecting on Career Progression and DEI

“I think when you’re in the environment of trying to move up the ladder, you’re trying to progress, and you’re just going as fast as you can. Sometimes, you don’t see those challenges until you step back and you reflect on it.”

Simplifying DEI into Connections, Careers, and Community

“The way that I think about diversity and the commitment is in a quite simple structure. The three C’s I call it – which is about connections, careers, and community.”

Challenging the Myth of Talent Diversity

“There’s been this big connotation that we don’t have enough talent. We don’t have the right diverse talent.”

The Future of AI and Human Collaboration in DEI

“AI is not a one and done thing. It’s not a silver bullet. There are going to be humans that are going to be operating artificial intelligence, and it’s down to us to think through what elements we need to bring AI into our processes in order to make them more effective and more efficient.”

Let Marcus Sawyerr’s insights inspire you to rethink and reinforce your approach to DEI in tech. Join the free Diversiology community to hear Marcus’ 15 minute Power Talk, Maximizing DEI EQ by Leveraging Inclusive AI.