Voice of Diversity: Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D.

A voice of diversity Renowned DEI expert Dr. Janice Gassam Asare with afro hair.


Spotlight on Dr. Janice Gassam Asare: A Beacon of DEI Transformation

Dr. Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D., stands at the forefront of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) movement, tirelessly working to reform workplace cultures to be actively anti-racist. With a robust background as a Black woman in Organizational Psychology, Dr. Gassam Asare leverages her unique insights to advocate for environments where minoritized and racially marginalized employees can thrive without fear of harm.

The Pillars of Dr. Janice Gassam Asare’s Expertise

Dr. Gassam Asare confronts entrenched biases that pervade corporate infrastructures with a resolute focus on anti-racism. As a seasoned DEI Consultant, she translates extensive research into dynamic strategies that steer organizations toward nurturing inclusivity and equity. Her strategic interventions are designed to break down systemic barriers and empower those often silenced in the corporate dialogue.

The Impactful Works of Dr. Janice Gassam Asare

Dr. Gassam Asare’s literary contributions are essential reads for those committed to DEI:

Dirty Diversity dissects conventional diversity initiatives and proposes transformative tactics to achieve authentic inclusivity in the workplace.

Pink Elephant delves into the intricacies of racial dialogues at work, equipping readers with the skills to foster constructive interactions and true allyship.

Decentering Whiteness provides a critical analysis of how whiteness is embedded within organizational cultures, offering a blueprint for cultivating spaces that welcome diverse voices and experiences.

Her work extends beyond the page, as exemplified in her thought-provoking Ted Talk, Make Emotional Intelligence Great Again, where she unpacks the intersection of emotional intelligence and inclusive practices.

Provocative Insights from Dr. Janice Gassam Asare

Dr. Gassam Asare challenges traditional narratives with statements that inspire reflection and action:

  • “DEI is not just about integrating diverse individuals but reevaluating the centrality of Whiteness within our corporate ethos.”
  • “True anti-racist work involves white individuals acknowledging the privileges that come with their race and actively working to level the playing field.”
  • “Moving beyond ‘race-neutrality’ to confront the deep-seated biases in our hiring and management practices is crucial for systemic change.”
  • “Recognizing our own biases is a critical step towards dismantling the structures that perpetuate inequality.”

Dr. Janice Gassam Asare’s Distinctive Voice in DEI

As a celebrated Black woman in the field, Dr. Gassam Asare’s voice resonates powerfully across platforms, heralding her as a visionary leader in DEI. Her work, recognized by accolades such as being named a LinkedIn Top Voice, and her engaging TEDx talks, demonstrate a commitment to shifting paradigms and addressing critical issues like Islamophobia.

Engage with Dr. Janice Gassam Asare’s Latest Discussions

Join the conversation on LinkedIn:

– A dive into the Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace Model

– Join her 10 Week LinkedIn Live Book Discussion series

Janice Gassam Asare Joins Bridget Sampson to discuss her book Decentering Whiteness

Stay Connected with Dr. Janice Gassam Asare

– Subscribe to The Pink Elephant Newsletter on LinkedIn for regular DEI insights,

– Tune into The Dirty Diversity Podcast for in-depth discussions,

– Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram for her latest initiatives and thought leadership.

By engaging with Dr. Gassam Asare’s work, individuals and organizations alike can embark on a meaningful journey toward dismantling systemic racism and building truly inclusive environments where every voice is heard and valued.